
Information on spatial distribution of crops is an important step towards yield estimation. We need to know where the crops are before we estimate the yield in a given region. Ground mapping approaches like surveying are expensive and time intensive. Remote sensing offers an effective and efficient platform for mapping thanks to improved temporal and spatial resolutions. In this case we supplement optical data with UAV images for training sites collection, and image fusion for crop mapping.

For crop mapping we use two different classification algorithms:

  1. Random Forests (RF) by Breiman 2001.
  2. Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC).

Data preparation

Load libraries, declare variables and data paths.

rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))    #Clears R memory
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman"); library(pacman)
p_load(raster, terra, randomForest, RStoolbox, tictoc)

cat("Set variables and start processing\n")
## Set variables and start processing
Root        <- 'D:/JKUAT/RESEARCH_Projects/Eswatini/Data/'
Path_out    <- paste0(Root,"Output/")

Load Mpolonjeni UAV images for mission 1–5 and Sentinel 2. We will mosaic the UAV images to one image at 1 m spatial resolution and save to disk later. Once this is done we skip this process every other time we run the script.

#Sentinel 2
path <- list.files(paste0(Root,'S2/interim/'),pattern = (".tif$"), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
s <- rast(path)
names(s) <- c("b", "g","r", "nir")
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 10980, 10980, 4  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 10, 10  (x, y)
## extent      : 3e+05, 409800, 6990220, 7100020  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs 
## sources     : RT_T36JUR_20210418T073611_B02.tif  
##               RT_T36JUR_20210418T073611_B03.tif  
##               RT_T36JUR_20210418T073611_B04.tif  
##               ... and 1 more source(s)
## names       : b, g, r, nir
mosaicname <- paste0(Path_out,'Mpolonjeni_W1_Mosaic.tif')
folders <- list.dirs(paste0(Root,'WingtraOne/Mpolonjeni'),recursive=TRUE)[-1]
for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
  path <- list.files(folders[i], pattern = (".tif$"))
  # Remove all before and up to "reflectance_" in gsub
  path <- path[order(gsub(".*reflectance_","",path))][-4]
  #reorder the bands to match those in S2
  paths <- path
  paths[3] <- path[4]
  paths[4] <- path[3]
  temp <- rast(paste0(folders[i],"/",paths))
  names(temp) <- c("b", "g", "r", "nir")
  assign(paste0("v", i), temp) 
  v <- rast(mosaicname)

We now have all the image missions loaded from corresponding sub-folders, stacked, and dynamically allocated variables i.e. \(\text{v1},\text{v2},\dots,\text{v5}\). Resample all the images to 1 m spatial resolution using bilinear approach and mosaic them.

  temp <- aggregate(v1[[1]], 9)
  res(temp) <- c(1, 1)
  v1 <- resample(v1, temp, method='bilinear')
  temp <- aggregate(v2[[1]], 9)
  res(temp) <- c(1, 1)
  v2 <- resample(v2, temp, method='bilinear')
  temp <- aggregate(v3[[1]], 9)
  res(temp) <- c(1, 1)
  v3 <- resample(v3, temp, method='bilinear')
  temp <- aggregate(v4[[1]], 9)
  res(temp) <- c(1, 1)
  v4 <- resample(v4, temp, method='bilinear')
  temp <- aggregate(v5[[1]], 9)
  res(temp) <- c(1, 1)
  v5 <- resample(v5, temp, method='bilinear')

Let’s now mosaic the scenes to form one image. We will use median to average out the overlaps. Median is preferred because it has been shown to be robust to outliers compared to the mean.

  v <- mosaic(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, fun="median")

Save the mosaic to disk.

mosaicname <- paste0(Path_out,'Mpolonjeni_W1_Mosaic.tif')
  writeRaster(v, mosaicname)    

Crop/clip Sentinel 2 image to UAV image extents.

s <- crop(s, ext(v), snap="near")

Display the images side by side.

par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
plotRGB(s, r="nir", g="r", b="g", stretch="lin", axes=T, mar = c(4, 5, 1.4, 0.2), main="S2", cex.axis=0.5)
plotRGB(v, r="nir", g="r", b="g", stretch="lin", axes=T, mar = c(4, 5, 1.4, 0.2), main="UAV", cex.axis=0.5)

Training data sampling

Load train data.

#ref <- vect(paste0(Root,'Vector/Training_Sites_Mpolonjeni.shp'), "polygons")
ref  <- shapefile(paste0(Root,'Vector/Training_Sites_Mpolonjeni.shp'))
ref <- spTransform(ref, crs(v))

Sample points from the polygons (stratified random sampling).

samp <- spsample(ref, 4000, type='stratified')
## Warning in proj4string(obj): CRS object has comment, which is lost in output
# add the land cover class to the points
samp$class <- over(samp, ref)$Name
samp$code <- over(samp, ref)$code
knitr::kable(table(samp$class), align = 'l')
Var1 Freq
built_up 734
cassava 109
grass 132
maize 749
sorghum 235
sweet_potato 738
trees 918
waterbody 368
## [1] 3983

Declare the class names and their number.

#samp <- spTransform(samp, crs(v))
nClasses <- 8
Classes <- data.frame(classID=c(1:8),class=c('Built_up','Cassava', 'Grass',  'Maize',  'Sorghum', 'Sweet_potato','Trees','Water'))

Display S2 image and the training points.

add_legend <- function(...) {
  opar <- par(fig=c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
    mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0), new=TRUE)
  plot(0, 0, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n')

#par(mar = c(4, 4, 1.4, 0.1)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
plotRGB(s, r="nir", g="r", b="g", stretch="lin", axes = TRUE, mar = c(4, 5, 1.4, 0.1))
#points(samp, col="blue", cex=.5)
lines(spTransform(ref, crs(s)), col="blue", lwd=1.5)
add_legend("bottom", legend="Reference data", 
pch=c(0,15), col="blue", horiz=T, bty='n', cex=1.1)

Extract UAV and S2 pixels values overlaid by points and split them into training and validation points.

trainData.v <- extract(brick(v), samp, cellnumbers=F, df=T, sp=T)
class code b g r nir
waterbody 8 0.0643933 0.0971735 0.1009569 0.0849024
waterbody 8 0.0642581 0.0969432 0.1003542 0.0865044
waterbody 8 0.0645692 0.0981981 0.1022022 0.0864920
waterbody 8 0.0633345 0.0975087 0.0983355 0.0855006
waterbody 8 0.0642581 0.0969432 0.1003542 0.0865044
waterbody 8 0.0642581 0.0969432 0.1003542 0.0865044
trainData.s <- extract(brick(s), samp, cellnumbers=F, df=T, sp=T)
class code b g r nir
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
waterbody 8 0.0228 0.0253 0.024 0.0227
#(NB: 0.4 means 40% for training and 60% for validation)
labels <-[,1])
split <- sample.split(labels, SplitRatio = 0.4)
valid.v <- subset(trainData.v, split == FALSE) 
train.v <- subset(trainData.v, split == TRUE) 
knitr::kable(table(train.v$class), align = 'l')
Var1 Freq
built_up 248
cassava 38
grass 43
maize 246
sorghum 77
sweet_potato 246
trees 307
waterbody 122
knitr::kable(table(valid.v$class), align = 'l')
Var1 Freq
built_up 486
cassava 71
grass 89
maize 503
sorghum 158
sweet_potato 492
trees 611
waterbody 246
#Sentinel 2
valid.s <- subset(trainData.s, split == FALSE) 
train.s <- subset(trainData.s, split == TRUE) 
knitr::kable(table(train.s$class), align = 'l')
Var1 Freq
built_up 248
cassava 38
grass 43
maize 246
sorghum 77
sweet_potato 246
trees 307
waterbody 122
knitr::kable(table(valid.s$class), align = 'l')
Var1 Freq
built_up 486
cassava 71
grass 89
maize 503
sorghum 158
sweet_potato 492
trees 611
waterbody 246

Maximum Likelihood Classification

Classify UAV and S2 image using MLC algorithm.

#UAV classification
mlc.uav <- superClass(brick(v), train.v[-2], responseCol = "class",
                model = "mlc", minDist = 1)
val.uav <- validateMap(mlc.uav$map, valid.v[-2], responseCol="class", mode='classification', 
classMapping = mlc.uav$classMapping)
#Sentinel 2 classification
mlc.s <- superClass(brick(s), train.s, responseCol = "class",
                model = "mlc", minDist = 1)
val.s <- validateMap(mlc.s$map, valid.s, responseCol="class", mode='classification', 
classMapping = mlc.s$classMapping)

Make a function to display classified images and use it to display the MLC map.

display <- function(map, method, nClasses){
    par(mar = c(7, 2, 1.6, 6)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
    image(map, col=c("red", "orange", "cyan" , "yellow", "brown", "magenta", "green1","blue"), axes=T, ann=F)
    classes.Palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "cyan" , "yellow", "brown", "magenta", "green1","blue", "white")) 
    add_legend("bottom", legend=c('Built_up','Cassava', 'Grass', 
'Maize',  'Sorghum', 'Sweet_potato','Trees','Water', "No data"), fill=classes.Palette(nClasses+1), ncol=3, bty='n', cex=1.1, = NA)
    title(paste0(method," Classification"))
display(mlc.uav$map, "UAV MLC", nClasses)
display(mlc.s$map, "S2 MLC", nClasses)

Lets design a function for accuracy assessment.

accuracy <- function(val.test){ <- val.test$performance 
    list_of_datasets <- list("ConfusionMatrix" = as.matrix($table), 
                    "OverallAcc" = as.matrix($overall), 
                    "byClass" = as.matrix($byClass))

Assess the accuracy of MLC.

print('UAV Confusion matrixs')
## [1] "UAV Confusion matrixs"
List.v <- accuracy(val.uav)
built_up cassava grass maize sorghum sweet_potato trees waterbody
built_up 268 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
cassava 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0
grass 1 0 56 22 0 0 5 0
maize 13 0 2 233 6 0 6 4
sorghum 0 0 0 5 70 0 3 0
sweet_potato 0 0 0 0 0 239 0 0
trees 0 0 2 3 1 2 352 0
waterbody 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109
print('S2 Confusion matrixs')
## [1] "S2 Confusion matrixs"
List.s <- accuracy(val.s)
built_up cassava grass maize sorghum sweet_potato trees waterbody
built_up 67 0 2 2 0 0 2 0
cassava 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
grass 3 0 12 5 0 0 4 0
maize 4 0 8 29 2 0 7 0
sorghum 3 0 1 4 6 0 5 0
sweet_potato 0 0 0 0 0 14 3 0
trees 0 0 0 1 1 0 112 0
waterbody 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
print('Other accuracy measures')
## [1] "Other accuracy measures"
knitr::kable(data.frame(Type=List.v$OverallAcc[,0], UAV=round(List.v$OverallAcc[,1],3),S2=round(List.s$OverallAcc[,1],3)),align='l')
Accuracy 0.947 0.818
Kappa 0.936 0.759
AccuracyLower 0.934 0.771
AccuracyUpper 0.958 0.859
AccuracyNull 0.255 0.425
AccuracyPValue 0.000 0.000
McnemarPValue NaN NaN
UAV_F1score S2_F1score
Class: built_up 0.973 0.893
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000
Class: grass 0.778 0.511
Class: maize 0.884 0.637
Class: sorghum 0.903 0.429
Class: sweet_potato 0.996 0.903
Class: trees 0.968 0.907
Class: waterbody 0.982 1.000
UAV_UserAcc S2_UserAcc
Class: built_up 0.996 0.918
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000
Class: grass 0.667 0.500
Class: maize 0.883 0.580
Class: sorghum 0.897 0.316
Class: sweet_potato 1.000 0.824
Class: trees 0.978 0.982
Class: waterbody 1.000 1.000
UAV_ProducerAcc S2_ProducerAcc
Class: built_up 0.950 0.870
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000
Class: grass 0.933 0.522
Class: maize 0.886 0.707
Class: sorghum 0.909 0.667
Class: sweet_potato 0.992 1.000
Class: trees 0.959 0.842
Class: waterbody 0.965 1.000

Generally UAV gives better accuracy in most classes except for cassava and maize where Sentinel 2 performs well as observed from F1-score. However, the big question is will fusion improve accuracy? Let’s consider a mean fusion approach using random forest predicted/simulated high Sentinel based donwsampled Sentinel 2 data and UAV.

Downsample S2 to UAV 1 m spatial resolution using bilinear.

s_r <- resample(s,v,method="bilinear")

Now sample points from UAV MLC land-cover RF regression prediction.

points <- spatSample(rast(mlc.uav$map), 3000, "stratified", as.points=T, na.rm=T, values=F)

Use the stratified randomly sample points to train and predict simulated high resolution S2.

s2_p <- extract(s_r, points, drop=F)
knitr::kable(head(s2_p), align = 'l')
ID b g r nir
1 0.0393197 0.0602216 0.0562606 0.2464113
2 0.0276525 0.0408229 0.0302760 0.2619595
3 0.0280685 0.0393812 0.0301973 0.2556855
4 0.0348108 0.0508313 0.0501398 0.2338444
5 0.0391453 0.0599790 0.0634117 0.2391077
6 0.0391183 0.0577873 0.0638365 0.2426294
vr_p <- extract(v, points, drop=F)
knitr::kable(head(vr_p), align = 'l')
ID b g r nir
1 0.2226881 0.3732991 0.2850645 2.9043691
2 0.0852571 0.1152778 0.0861861 1.2984504
3 0.0484837 0.0587416 0.0480554 0.6412777
4 0.0290400 0.0369230 0.0264030 0.5202775
5 0.0428044 0.0602511 0.0645384 0.4539916
6 0.0479790 0.0618544 0.0807158 0.4839757
data <- data.frame(S2=s2_p[,-1], UAV=vr_p[,-1])
#S2 predicted high resolution output name
s2h_name <- paste0(Path_out,'Mpolonjeni_S2_higres_Prediction.tif')
  UAV <- rast(mosaicname)
  names(UAV) <- c("UAV.b", "UAV.g", "UAV.r", "UAV.nir")
  startTime <- Sys.time() 
  cat("Start time", format(startTime),"\n")
    s2h.b <- predict(UAV, randomForest(S2.b~UAV.b, data=data, ntree = 300), na.rm=T)
    s2h.g <- predict(UAV, randomForest(S2.g~UAV.g, data=data, ntree = 300), na.rm=T)
    s2h.r <- predict(UAV, randomForest(S2.r~UAV.r, data=data, ntree = 300), na.rm=T)
    s2h.nir <- predict(UAV, randomForest(S2.nir~UAV.nir, data=data, ntree = 300), na.rm=T)
  timeDiff <- Sys.time() - startTime
  cat("\n Processing time", format(timeDiff), "\n")

Stack all the S2 bands predictions.

  #Stack them
  s2h <- c(s2h.b,s2h.g,s2h.r,s2h.nir)
  names(s2h) <- c("b", "g","r", "nir")
  writeRaster(s2h, s2h_name)    
  s2h <- rast(s2h_name)

Fuse the simulated S2 high resolution image with UAV using median.

s2h.fused <- v
s2h.fused <- mean(s2h, v)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 3228, 2572, 4  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 388657.1, 391229.1, 7070057, 7073285  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs 
## source      : memory 
## names       :          b,          g,          r,        nir 
## min values  : 0.01521104, 0.02353837, 0.01816200, 0.04858300 
## max values  :  0.6900264,  0.9911296,  1.1898333,  4.2927577

Classify and validate the fused product using MLC.

trainData.f <- extract(brick(s2h.fused), samp, cellnumbers=F, df=T, sp=T)
knitr::kable(head(trainData.f), align = 'l')
class code b g r nir
waterbody 8 0.0528547 0.0758793 0.0783905 0.0715046
waterbody 8 0.0526525 0.0657366 0.0807126 0.0732824
waterbody 8 0.0491812 0.0733447 0.0792717 0.0732762
waterbody 8 0.0498265 0.0749694 0.0791994 0.0718037
waterbody 8 0.0526525 0.0657366 0.0807126 0.0732824
waterbody 8 0.0526525 0.0657366 0.0807126 0.0732824
valid.f <- subset(trainData.f, split == FALSE) 
train.f <- subset(trainData.f, split == TRUE) 

mlc.f <- superClass(brick(s2h.fused), train.f, responseCol = "class",
                model = "mlc", minDist = 1)
val.f <- validateMap(mlc.f$map, valid.f, responseCol="class", mode='classification',  classMapping = mlc.f$classMapping)

display(mlc.f$map, "Fused MLC", nClasses)

Validate the fused MLC land-cover product.

List.f <- accuracy(val.f)
print('Accuracy measures comparison')
## [1] "Accuracy measures comparison"
knitr::kable(data.frame(Type=List.v$OverallAcc[,0], UAV=round(List.v$OverallAcc[,1],3),S2=round(List.s$OverallAcc[,1],3),Fused=round(List.f$OverallAcc[,1],3)),align='l')
UAV S2 Fused
Accuracy 0.947 0.818 0.907
Kappa 0.936 0.759 0.888
AccuracyLower 0.934 0.771 0.891
AccuracyUpper 0.958 0.859 0.922
AccuracyNull 0.255 0.425 0.255
AccuracyPValue 0.000 0.000 0.000
McnemarPValue NaN NaN NaN
UAV_F1score S2_F1score Fused_F1score
Class: built_up 0.973 0.893 0.976
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000 0.925
Class: grass 0.778 0.511 0.750
Class: maize 0.884 0.637 0.810
Class: sorghum 0.903 0.429 0.733
Class: sweet_potato 0.996 0.903 0.975
Class: trees 0.968 0.907 0.922
Class: waterbody 0.982 1.000 1.000
UAV_UserAcc S2_UserAcc Fused_UserAcc
Class: built_up 0.996 0.918 0.996
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000 0.902
Class: grass 0.667 0.500 0.643
Class: maize 0.883 0.580 0.853
Class: sorghum 0.897 0.316 0.614
Class: sweet_potato 1.000 0.824 0.979
Class: trees 0.978 0.982 0.956
Class: waterbody 1.000 1.000 1.000
knitr::kable(data.frame(UAV_ProducerAcc=round(List.v$byClass[,'Sensitivity'],3),S2_ProducerAcc=round(List.s$byClass[,'Sensitivity'],3), Fused_ProducerAcc=round(List.f$byClass[,'Sensitivity'],3)), align = 'l')
UAV_ProducerAcc S2_ProducerAcc Fused_ProducerAcc
Class: built_up 0.950 0.870 0.957
Class: cassava 1.000 1.000 0.949
Class: grass 0.933 0.522 0.900
Class: maize 0.886 0.707 0.772
Class: sorghum 0.909 0.667 0.909
Class: sweet_potato 0.992 1.000 0.971
Class: trees 0.959 0.842 0.891
Class: waterbody 0.965 1.000 1.000

It is clear that fusion improved mapping accuracy of some crops and was definitely better than S2 classification. Do we probably need a better framework to reap the benefits fo fusion? Lets try another classification method.

Random Forest (RF)

Use RF to classify the images (UAV, S2 and fused image) and compare crop mapping accuracy with MLC. Firsts, we evaluate model training using plots of training error and variable importance. Note: the most important variable is one which has the highest increase in Mean Standard Error (MSE) when removed from the model training samples. We explore these plots using the PCA fused image as an example. From Figure @ref(fig:rf1), the training error reduces with increase in number of trees. We set the number of trees to 250 because it has been established that over 200 trees RF estimates are stable (Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman 2011).

rf.pca <- randomForest(code~., data=na.omit([,-1]@data)), ntree = 250, importance=T)
plot(rf.pca, main='RF Training Error')
F Training Error w.r.t number of trees.

F Training Error w.r.t number of trees.

varImpPlot(rf.pca,sort=TRUE, n.var=min(dim(s2h.fused)[3], nrow(rf.pca$importance)), type = 1)
RF Variable importance b ased on mean decrease in MSE.

RF Variable importance b ased on mean decrease in MSE.

Mean Decrease Gini (IncNodePurity) - This is a measure of variable importance based on the Gini impurity index (i.e. node purity) used for the calculating the splits in trees. The higher the value of mean decrease accuracy or mean decrease gini score, the higher the importance of the variable to our model.

Estimate crop probabilities and map using RF. We will later use the probabilities in a conditional/markov random fields (CRFs/MRFs) classification framework which considers spatial context.

tic("RF mapping duration:") <- superClass(brick(s2h.fused), train.f, responseCol = "class",
                model = "rf")
## RF mapping duration:: 149.52 sec elapsed
tic("RF probabilities duration:")
rf.f.prob <- superClass(brick(s2h.fused), train.f, responseCol = "class",
                model = "rf", predType="prob")
## RF probabilities duration:: 160.81 sec elapsed
#Display RF map.
display($map, "Fused RF", nClasses)

Validate RF fused map using F1-score and compare it with MLC fusion.

val.rf.f <- validateMap($map, valid.f, responseCol="code", mode='classification')

List.rf.f <- accuracy(val.rf.f)
            MLCfused=round(List.f$byClass[,'F1'],3)), align='l', caption = 'F1-score')
RFfused MLCfused
Class: 1 0.986 0.976
Class: 2 0.949 0.925
Class: 3 0.857 0.750
Class: 4 0.932 0.810
Class: 5 0.917 0.733
Class: 6 0.982 0.975
Class: 7 0.966 0.922
Class: 8 1.000 1.000

RF gives a better accuracy on the fused product compared to MLC.


Markov Random Fields (MRFs) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) techniques are one of the commonly used contextual classification methods. They offer a probabilistic framework that models spatial dependencies of labels (MRFs) with additional dependencies in data in the case of CRFs in a classified image (Kenduiywo 2016).

#Load CRF/MRF function
WithRef     <- FALSE
beta0         <- 20
Nneighb     <- 4
bCRF          <- FALSE #If TRUE MOdel runs CRF

#Take care of NA mask
image <- brick(s2h.fused)
mrf_name <- paste0(Path_out,'Mpolonjeni_fused_MRF_map.tif')
  rf_MRF <- CRF_MRF(image, WithRef, beta0, Nneighb,$map, rf.f.prob$map, bCRF, nClasses)
  writeRaster(rf_MRF, mrf_name)
  rf_MRF <- brick(mrf_name)

display(rf_MRF, "Fused RF-MRF", nClasses)

val.mrf.f <- validateMap(rf_MRF, valid.f, responseCol="code", mode='classification')

List.mrf.f <- accuracy(val.mrf.f)
            MLCfused=round(List.f$byClass[,'F1'],3)), align='l', caption = 'F1-score')
MRFfused RFfused MLCfused
Class: 1 0.995 0.986 0.976
Class: 2 0.962 0.949 0.925
Class: 3 0.887 0.857 0.750
Class: 4 0.968 0.932 0.810
Class: 5 0.921 0.917 0.733
Class: 6 0.992 0.982 0.975
Class: 7 0.975 0.966 0.922
Class: 8 0.996 1.000 1.000


Breiman, L. Random Forests. Machine Learning 45, 5–32 (2001).

Y. Zou, G. Li and S. Wang, “The Fusion of Satellite and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery for Improving Classification Performance,” IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 2018, pp. 836-841, doi: 10.1109/ICInfA.2018.8812312.

Kenduiywo, B. Spatial-temporal Dynamic Conditional Random Fields crop type mapping using radar images. Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Prints (2016)

Created 14th May 2021 Copyright © Benson Kenduiywo, Inc. All rights reserved.